Cornerstone Funeral Services promotes environmentally friendly burial practices for those who desire a funeral in harmony with the earth. Green and Natural Funerals are reminiscent of a bygone time when it was customary practice to bury in a way that allowed the body to return to the earth naturally.
For those committed to caring for our planet, natural burial is a uniquely satisfying choice, as well as a profoundly moving memorial.
By providing natural burial services, we endeavor to practice good stewardship in making it possible for families to care for the Earth, as we care for their loved ones. A growing number of families are now choosing services of this type to honor their loved ones.
Families may opt for services at home, in our funeral home, at their place of worship or other location, or even simply at the graveside. Services can be officiated by a clergyman, funeral celebrant, family member or friend. They may choose to honor their loved one by inviting those present to share thoughts and memories. We can help plan the service of choice.
For those who already own space or prefer burial in another cemetery, we can provide a green funeral. If a burial vault is required by the cemetery, we can provide one that allows contact with the earth.
Green Burial Resources
Simple and natural. Green burial, or natural burial, ensures the burial site remains as natural as possible in all respects. Interment of the bodies is done in a biodegradable casket, shroud, or in a favorite blanket. No embalming fluid, no concrete vaults.
Listed below are a few Green Burial friends of Cornerstone Funeral Services. Please visit their sites for additional information.
Evening Star End of Life Doula Services - Support before, during + after a terminally ill patient enters hospice.
Funeral Consumers Alliance - The Funeral Consumers Alliance provides some information about caring for the dead without the use of toxins and materials that are not biodegradable.
Green Burial Guidebook - Funeral Director Elizabeth Fournier's complete guide.
Holly Pruett - Creative life ceremonies from the cradle to the grave.
KINKARACO - KINKARACO™ was contracted by the HBO series "Six Feet Under" to create a shroud for the green burial segment of the show's season finale Life imitates Art!
National Home Funeral Alliance - Educating families and communities to care for their own loved ones after death.
Natural Burial Company - Find natural caskets, shrouds and urns. Located in Eugene, Oregon.
New England Burials at Sea - Ash scatterings and full body burials at sea.
Purple Crow Sings - Heather Michet is a Ceremonialist, Songstress and healing guide who believes in the healing power of ceremony and music to guide and support us through our grief.